Sunday, September 3

Life is beautiful....

Life is beautiful but not always easy, it has problems, too, and the challenge lies in facing them with courage, letting the beauty of life act like a balm, which makes the pain bearable, during trying times, by providing hope
Happiness, sorrow, victory, defeat, day-night are the two sides of the me coin. Similarly life is full of moments of joy, pleasure, success and comfort punctuated by misery, defeat, failures and problems. There is no human being on Earth, strong, powerful, wise or rich, who has not experienced, struggle, suffering or failure.

Difficulties test the courage, patience, perseverance and true character of a human being. Adversity and hardships make a person strong and ready to face the challenges of life . There is no doubt that there can be no gain without pain. 
Thus, life is and should not be just a bed of roses; thorns are also a part of it and should be accepted by us just as we accept the beautiful side of life.

Thursday, August 3


                 CAN MONEY BUY HAPPINESS

Happiness is not something available with a price tag  hanging on it in the supermarket.It is expensive than the kohinoor and sometimes cheaper than a candy.It all depends on what level of happiness one is speaking of when asked ,if money can buy happiness.
 Every living soul on this planet wants to be happy.It is available everywhere.Where can we not find happiness.
 you,making time to read my essay gives me immerse happiness .Will it last for days ?or a few weeks from now?it all depends!!

when you give a chocolate to a crying baby ,he will be happy.He finds happiness in it.Will it make him a happy person when he grows up?no.This is provisional happiness.

people should seek for enduring happiness,instead of provisional happiness.Enduring happiness -this is what  everybody needs.This comes when you know you are happy now and will be happy for ever.But,here is a question ,WHAT GIVES YOU HAPPINESS?
Loving ,being love and doing what you love gives you enduring  happiness. It is true that people  with higher incomes and broadly speaking and happier than those who struggle by ,but only to a certain extent.

 As mother teresa  said ,"not being loved is the worst poverty of all."Even a rich person can be poverty stricken when it comes to love. In the same world there will be people with beautiful heart and family .They might not have a BWW  to ride or a big villa to villa to live.Who cares?All we need is self-saticification
Stop hunting for happiness with the help of money,happiness is something which is there in yourself.

Saturday, July 15

The anti-student squad.


Finally  the day has come.All the teachers of the  Oaks school were fed up of  teaching.On the prestigious day of 18th July 2017,they decided to meet at the secret room near the conference hall.Everybody were present and the conference has begun.The speaker said,"Please settle down in your places."The teachers did what has been said to them.The speaker asked them if they knew why they had been called.Each and every teacher knew the purpose of their visit to the secret room. Hence,they responded with a nod and their faces were lit up with a mischievous grin.The speaker said,"Everyday we come to school  to teach the monstrous children .They pierce our minds with their doubts and stab us in our backs with their innocent faces.Today is the end of our struggle.On the account of the birth of  our new secret club,the anti-student squad,I am willing to give you a party.But before that, I want everyone to know the aim of this squad.Its aim is to resist and  fight for freedom."
At that moment, one of the teachers said ,"I can relate this to the book-secret seven.We must have a password to enter the club.It is the  only way to not let the  monstrous students enter our precious club."Everybody agreed and started brainstorming.A teacher came up with an answer.She said,"I think anti-student squad can be the password.It is more easy to remember."The speaker told her that it was not a bad idea but to think of an alternative solution."Another teacher said,"Stinky students can be the password.It is more appropriate and appealing."Everybody liked the idea .The speaker told the teachers that stinky students is the password and said,"We rule over the students.With all our might
let us fight for our freedom and don't forget to enjoy the party."The teachers enjoyed the party and vacated the room.When they were leaving,they were relieved because now they were not alone but had many colleagues to support them.

Friday, December 16


Say a superhero (I use this term ambiguously) appears. They have powers and have gained a media presence on a social platform like YouTube, making videos and gaining followers, before revealing themselves in public without any evidence to refute their abilities. After their "coming out," they do wish to make the world a better place, but they do so in ways that aren't violent. With no interest in keeping a secret identity and making the world a better place nonviolently, such as charities or - depending on the power - healing things, running a "mega"-marathon to raise money with super speed, using super-intelligence to find a sustainable energy source; what kind of reaction would the immediate public have? The government? How would the world respond to this reveal?I think the hero would have a difficult time, in that case, arranging a suitable 'coming out' appearance. For one thing, it would have to be a live performance. Anything covered on the news or on the Internet would just be more video, wouldn't it? So the hero would have to pick some large venue that already had a lot of people, and then just sort of crash the party.It is really fun seeing all the superheroes those existed in our imaginary world. i would really feel happy to have superheroes


Great question! I would really love to just pick one at random that had life and see what was there. That would be full of amazing surprises. But, if I was really going to engineer my own planet, here is how my story would start.........

all i need to start with after all my rules; i just need my own rules..... this how i start my planet my planet is to be very enjoyable,with happiness and full of joy. I need no pen nor paper in my world. I need nothing but my imagination.My planet holds other universes, worlds, cities, places, and people all of which I have created. I never have to stop creating.I need everybody in my life but listerning my words don't worry...a few exapetion like family, friends ,etc.In a lovely little city where trees are white as snow with leaves the brightest green, and the shutters on the buildings are pale pastels, to a trek of land, lifeless, that is completely flat red rocks except for one lone silver arrow stuck in the ground shimmering against the burning glare of light from my words.The places are infinitely changeable.There is no point of exhaustion for them. There is not a "No way out" or "One Way" sign. They are endless, with almost a life of their own. It is an escape and jail at the same time. For, once you taste writing in its truest form you are incapable of "just" writing. You can never truly stop writing for being a writer is endless.