Friday, December 16


Say a superhero (I use this term ambiguously) appears. They have powers and have gained a media presence on a social platform like YouTube, making videos and gaining followers, before revealing themselves in public without any evidence to refute their abilities. After their "coming out," they do wish to make the world a better place, but they do so in ways that aren't violent. With no interest in keeping a secret identity and making the world a better place nonviolently, such as charities or - depending on the power - healing things, running a "mega"-marathon to raise money with super speed, using super-intelligence to find a sustainable energy source; what kind of reaction would the immediate public have? The government? How would the world respond to this reveal?I think the hero would have a difficult time, in that case, arranging a suitable 'coming out' appearance. For one thing, it would have to be a live performance. Anything covered on the news or on the Internet would just be more video, wouldn't it? So the hero would have to pick some large venue that already had a lot of people, and then just sort of crash the party.It is really fun seeing all the superheroes those existed in our imaginary world. i would really feel happy to have superheroes

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